★ To the outsider and even to many TVs the urge to cross dress and make with a little femininity is regarded as at worst, a curse and at best a burden, Its advantages appear to be wholly on the side of pleasure and that usually of an erotic nature--par- ticularly in the beginning years.
With a little more maturity of outlook many TVs begin to find that there are other satisfactions than the erotic. They begin to enjoy the color, smell, feel, decoration, and change that the clothes them- selves bring. They may become particularly enamoured of some special material like velvet, satin or lace; some particular color that they cannot wear as men, such as hot pink; or some particular garment such as panties, bloomers, girdles and foundations, or high heels. They may concentrate on these favorites and build up a considerable wardrobe along these part. icular lines
A good many cross dressers stop at this stage enjoying their particular garments in favorite mater- ials, colors etc. This is the fetishistic level of development. The favored garment may not in all cases qualify as a specific sexual stimulant which is what the word is technically used for, but it partakes of a fetish in the sense that great attent- ion and interest is focused on one thing or type of thing. Unless some circumstance comes along which stimulates a broadened interest (no pun intended) the individual may very well pass his whole life in this stage of expression,